Mallomonas alpina

General information

Description: Pascher & Ruttner in Pascher (1913): Chrysomonadinae. In: Die Süsswasser-Flora Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz, Vol. 2. G. Fischer, Jena. 7–95 pp.

Autecology: alkaliphilic, eutrophic.

Distribution: cosmopolitan, frequent.

Image gallery

Möserer See, Tyrol, Austria
Author: Martina P


List of records

Locality Sampling date pHsort ascending Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Szeremlei holtág, a sluice on backwater of the R. Danube at Szeremle village 1996 8.3 310 7.5 46.147392, 18.879616 PADISAK et al. (2000)
Buchsee 2012 8.3 459 12.9 47.455603, 11.885319 PICHRTOVÁ et al. (2013)
Kék-tó, recreation pond 1999 8.3 790 14.2 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)
Reintaler See 2012 8.3 451 12.1 47.458600, 11.890400 PICHRTOVÁ et al. (2013)
Hestehavedam 1969 8.3 6.6 55.241466, 14.790577 KRISTIANSEN (1975)
Brennersee 2012 8.3 587 9.0 47.017100, 11.503700 PICHRTOVÁ et al. (2013)
Nydam 1969 8.3 6.9 55.220236, 14.763111 KRISTIANSEN (1975)
Pfrillsee 2012 8.3 378 10.5 47.594791, 12.149076 PICHRTOVÁ et al. (2013)
Lebrader Teich 8.2 325 54.220536, 10.428421 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)
Cazaux-Biscarrosse region, Petit Étang de la Maillouéyre 2010 8.2 794 26.7 44.193194, -1.298306 NEMCOVA et al. (2012)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)