Mallomonas foveata

General information

Description: Gusev et al. (2024). Morphology, phylogenetic position and distribution of Mallomonas mangofera and
Mallomonas foveata comb. et stat. nov. (Synurales, Chrysophyceae). - Phytotaxa 662: 224-238.

Basionym: Mallomonas mangofera f. foveata: DÜRRSCHMIDT, M. (1983): A Taxonomic Study of the Mallomonas mangofera Group (Mallomonadaceae, Chrysophyceae), Including the Description of four New Taxa. - Plant Syst. Evol. 143: 175-196.

Autecology: acidophilic.

Distribution: widely distributed.


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France, Aquitaine
Author: ynemcova


Distribution map