Synura petersenii

General information

Description: Korshikov A.A. 1929: Studies on the Chrysomonads. I. - Arch. Protistenk. 67:253-290.

Emend. Škaloud & Kynčlová 2012: 319. Epitype: Synura petersenii strain S 7.7, frozen material deposited at the Culture Collection of Algae of Charles University in Prague. Live culture: CAUP B 703.

Autecology: pH indifferent, oligotrophic to eutrophic, in cold waters.

Distribution: cosmopolitan, frequently found.

Image gallery

cutoff Myrna River, Slovenia
Author: ynemcova


List of records

Locality Sampling date pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C)sort ascending Coordinates References
small svamp near Movile, Transsylvania 1962 7.5 21.0 0.000000, 0.000000 PETERFI (1965b)
pond near Borovany 2002 8.5 233 21.0 48.886956, 14.628639 REZACOVA (2003)
near the Lake Tudu 2013 7.5 415 21.0 59.167380, 26.784599 CERTNEROVA & SKALOUD (2020)
Dolni Velky pond 2002 6.0 107 20.0 48.821982, 14.790301 REZACOVA (2003)
Vorkuta tundra, pond Sovetsky 2003 5.5 20.0 67.516667, 64.366667 SIVER et al. (2005)
Ahja River 2013 8.0 344 20.0 58.268530, 27.132563 CERTNEROVA & SKALOUD (2020)
pool near Matejovsky pond 2006 6.5 208 20.0 49.540132, 15.896434 PICHRTOVA et al. (2007)
near Vanajarve 2013 4.2 20 20.0 58.016358, 24.705210 CERTNEROVA & SKALOUD (2020)
Kaisma jarv 2013 7.9 268 20.0 58.692999, 24.689986 CERTNEROVA & SKALOUD (2020)
Kaisma jarv 2013 7.9 268 20.0 58.692952, 24.689511 CERTNEROVA & SKALOUD (2020)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)